Momma nursing her baby

From conception to birth to breastfeeding - your body was made to do this!

Did you know that both baby and parent have reflexes that make breastfeeding easier?

Baby’s reflexes

Babies are born with the rooting reflex which causes the baby to turn their head towards something that touches their lips or cheek. This helps them find the nipple during feeding.

Parent’s reflexes

Breastfeeding stimulates nerves which causes the let-down reflex, making breast milk flow. It can occur when your baby feeds, when you hear your baby cry, and when touching your nipple.

Mom holding and breastfeeding her baby

Breastfeeding is a learning process

Every parent’s experience with breastfeeding is unique, but you can learn what to expect here.

It’s my first time breastfeeding

Struggling to breastfeed?

If you have a question or need help with breastfeeding, you can find certified lactation consultants all over Utah.

Find breastfeeding support

Will my health insurance cover lactation services?

Most insurance carriers will cover a breast pump, supplies, and lactation counselors.

Understand your coverage

Got milk?

Consider donating your milk to the Mountain West Mothers’ Milk Bank.

Donate your milk

What are my rights?

Pregnant and nursing employees have specific rights in the workplace at both the federal and the state level.

Know your rights

Need to go back to work or school?

Make the return back to work or school easy while still meeting your feeding goals.

Go back with ease